All Day

Soft Landlord

Projects Kavel Rafferty 231 Northdown Rd, Cliftonville, Margate

Sacred trinkets, thingliness, living commodities and prayers to the home. Embracing the sanctity of contemplation - "Soft Landlord" invites you to entwine in the virtues of space. Come to witness a ruin, a monument and a communion of artefacts. A selection of new works by...


Olivia Strange ‘It Softens The Blow, That Deep Melodic Bliss’

Liminal Gallery 34 Fort Hill, Margate

Pulling together the multifarious strands of Strange’s practice "It Softens the Blow, That Deep Melodic Bliss" explores notions of escape and survival through snapshot moments of euphoria and pleasure, as an act of resistance. The work celebrates the freedom and intimacy found within singular moments...
