Soft Landlord

Projects Kavel Rafferty 231 Northdown Rd, Cliftonville, Margate

Sacred trinkets, thingliness, living commodities and prayers to the home. Embracing the sanctity of contemplation - "Soft Landlord" invites you to entwine in the virtues of space. Come to witness a ruin, a monument and a communion of artefacts. A selection of new works by...


True Colours

Batchelor's Patisserie 246 Northdown Road,, Cliftonville, Margate,

Needle felted butterflies inspired by some of the Pride flags, an emergence of the true colours we grow into as we accept ourselves. This display is being held, with thanks, at Batchelor's Patisserie so why not treat yourself to a beverage and a pastry! Please...


Dirty Linen

Crate 1 Bilton Square, Margate, KY, United Kingdom

Via an installation of painting and expanded painting, Russell Chater presents a (homo)erotic narrative with nods to both the autobiographical and art historical; the spiritual and the sexual. Thoughts around surface, touch, display and concealment are teased - with works, perhaps ultimately, a reflection on...
